Luftstorm biotech

Fume Hoods

Ensuring Lab Safety and Efficiency

At Luftstorm Biotech, we understand the critical importance of lab safety and efficiency. Our high-quality fume hoods are designed to provide the utmost protection for laboratory personnel while maintaining optimal working conditions. Whether you're in a research facility, educational institution, or industrial laboratory, our fume hoods are engineered to meet your specific needs.

Bench Mounted Fume Hood

This is the most popular type of fume hood used in laboratory. It is generally placed on bench top, platform, frame or above cabinets. Bench mounted fume hood is also called as bench-top fume hood. It is available in various length. Fume hoods 5 feet & 6 feet length are widely used in laboratory. However, it is available in length of 7 feet, 8 feet and 10 feet also as per the need. Dimensions of fume hood represent the overall size (outer dimensions) of fume hood. Inside dimensions may vary manufacture to manufacturer. Bench top fume hood may have various type of openings at the front fascia like vertical, horizontal or combination of both.

Low Bench Fume Hood

Low bench fume hood is also called as distillation fume hood. It is designed for use of comparatively taller apparatus. It means upper unit of this fume hood is comparatively taller in height. Accordingly, its base height is shorter to balance over all height of regular bench mounted fume hood. Generally, it’s base height varies between 300mm to 450mm. This also belongs to the family of Bench top fume hood. The sash shall be kept vertical or horizontal as per the need.

Walk-in Fume Hood

Walk-in fume hoods are basically floor mounted units where the floor itself is considered as a working surface. Walk-in fume hood is used for tall assemblies or large apparatus like kilo scale – High volume reactions etc. Sometimes it may be used as for a storage of containers that is prone to some hazard, but may not fit in to defined storage cabinet. Generally, it has horizontal sliding sash, although some models are equipped with telescopic vertical sliding sashes. For safety reasons, horizontal sliding sashes are always recommended in walk-in fume hoods.


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